9 May 2013

Cheap chairs

The other day my neighbour was selling her junk. I bought a stack of kids books and a white ikea chair. $2 for everything. She said she would bring the chair over since it was broken. What? Great, now I'm too embarrassed to say I don't want it. Um sure, bring that crap over, right, both pieces. Don't forget the leg. She's like, " your husband is handy. He can fix it". I look and the leg is ripped off, not just broken. So I grin and say no problem and take it. I bought wood glue, contemplated a screw but used it in a sentence instead. 
The chair was alright. I made sure I was the only one to sit on it. Hesitation led to timidity which lead to confident which led to false sense of security until last night while I was leaning back enjoying my Popsicle when CRACK, down she goes. It's nice that my kids barely blinked and kept licking their dessert. Paul asked the most helpful and tactfully timed question, "what are you doing?"  Worst $2 I've ever spent in my life. I wish it had happened while I was eating salad and wheat germ. Timing is everything. 

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