11 February 2005

moving, again

My old journal is back and running so I will be posting there until it goes crazy again. http://mycafelatte.diaryland.com

9 February 2005

Year of the Rooster

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

I'm sick of being sick. Again, no kleenex so I've been using napkins. Fortunately I don't have a raw nose yet, but thats just asking for it.

Michaels is having a great sale on frames (50%) so I think I'm going to buy one for our wedding pic. I love michaels. I always get such great ideas to do stuff when I'm there. I would love to have a resource room in my house full of crafts. I have a bunch of stuff we didn't use at the wedding in a bag and I don't know what to do with it. We bought it two christmas' ago so I can't return it, soley because its seasonal. Too bad. I don't know what I'm going to do with 50 sparkly curlie thingys and 15 red and gold sparkly wands. I thought about making something out of it and selling it next christmas since my goal is to set up a table at craft shows. We'll see.

Dawson's Creek is on. Its the first episode. Things always come full circle. They look dorky. Thats funny.

Chinese New Year. I was born in the year of the horse. When I was in Malaysia, I bought a tshirt and luckily it had the horse symbol on it. I bought it in a flea market at night, 30 degrees with a bunch of humidity. I had to guard my purse because it was wall to wall people weaving in and out of very narrow single person, but made into two line lanes. I bought 2 tshirts off the rack and since I didn't try it on, it was a luck of the draw. It was pretty cheap, something like 15 ringets which is $5 or $6. Both shrunk in the wash and the horse one is the only one I have left. I think I'll wear it today.

8 February 2005

1 cent price hike on a stamp

I'm beginning to think hankercheifs might not be a bad thing. Is that even how its spelled? Its how it sounds. I've run out of kleenex so it got me thinking about using cloth alternatives. How do you clean those things anyway? Maybe thats too gross.

When did Canada post raise the domestic price of stamps? They raised it twice in one year. There has to be regulations on that doesn't there? So 50 cents. I hate having left over stamps and now having to go to the post office to buy 1 cent stamps. Would they accept it if I taped a penny on to my letters? Conspiracy.

The season finale of The Amazing Race is on tonight. How delightful. I'm looking forward to that.

I finally saw the final episode of Dawson's Creek. Its been on reruns on TBS for years now and I've missed it each time. I finally saw Jen die, Dawson get a meeting with Speilburg and Joey and Dawson hang out on the couch, which I will assume meant she chose him? Who knows, who cares.

I think I'll work on my sister's baby shower invitations today. I should try and finish them. I have 20 left. They're cute. I should take pics and post them. Should, but probably won't.

7 February 2005

$1 breakfasts

I'm fighting a cold. I think I should be taking more vitamins than I am, which is zero so any would be better than that. I think my immune system is weak. I should do something about that.
Did everyone get their IKEA bedroom catalogue today? Seriously, how can they do $1 breakfasts? I should go check that out.
Im trying to plan my sister's baby shower. I think we're going to do rubber ducky centre pieces. I'm going to get bowls of water, put the duckies in. Voila. Not sure about other decorations though. Any suggestions?

3 February 2005

The perfect gift for those who probably won't remember

So I must go out today and buy a gift for a One year old and also, one for my avô who is turning 80. I think these are the toughest to buy for. I think buying something edible or usable is best for my vavô because at that age, you don't want to start collecting things. I guess chocolates, or maybe I'll get him hankerchiefs. He still uses those. Will he remember that I gave that same gift to him one christmas about 10 years ago? Probably not. Yeah... I think hankers are a good gift. Now for the one year old. I figure bath toys? I thought about jewellery since its kind of a typical portuguese gift but they're not portuguese. I think my new niece (who will be born in april) might look like a gypsy for the first few years of her life since she'll have earrings, rings and bracelts on.
I've also decided on making the invitations to my sister's shower. Its funner, more cost effective and meaningful (in my humble and prudent opinion). I need to go out today and get a nice stamp. I have the idea in my head and now have to let it transpire.
Also on the docket is a trip to good old Canada Post. Must mail something. I think I should have mailed it earlier this week in order for it to arrive when it should, but oh well. Late than never is better.
I hope I get mail today. I like mail. Someone write me a real letter.

2 February 2005

grade one gurus and a cry for help

I got the 6am call yesterday to go in and supply. I covered the JK class. They're cute and full of energy which sometimes can get frustrating, but on the whole they're just kids trying to stay focused. During lunch, I had to monitor the lunch room and I wasn't sure what to do when I passed one student's desk and noticed he wrote "Help!" on a napkin that his mom must have packed into his lunch. Gr.3 is probably overwhelming for the strongest of people, so I'm sure he was just having troubles with long division and somehow, eating lunch allowed this feeling to float to the surface. I also over heard a bunch of grade ones discussing how to clean chickens prior to cooking them. One student, between her bites of McDees chicken nuggets asked, "what do they do with the beak?" Another student (whom they all looked to for answers, which is obviously a very powerful position to be in during your grade one academic year), answered, "they cook it all. Even the beak and the feathers. They roast the feathers". Wide-eyed they all looked to their guru and mumbled, "roasted". I opted out of intervening because, well its social lunch time, not teaching time and I remember hearing bogus urban myths throughout my academic life so I'll let them keep their bubbles until they reach post secondary education where they will inevitably burst by deconstructionists and post modernists.