25 March 2013

Parties and then the Eucharist

The amount of time I put into parties isn't proportional with the time enjoying them. However, I feel intrinsically gratified by what I accomplish. Andrew is having an angry birds Star Wars party. There is lots in angry birds, lots on Star Wars but nothing of the two. So I'm making it up. The craft prep took me about 3 hours. Next up, balloons that look like piggy storm troopers.

I participated in my first labyrinth prayer walk. I'm thoroughly enjoying "ritual" in my faith journey right now. The Anglican experience is exposing me to new things, which are actually very, very old. Yesterday I experienced the Eucharist in a new light. I watched as people held out their hands, waiting to receive the bread and wine. Like they were waiting, anticipating a wonderful and yet mysterious gift. I'm used to sitting in my seat, making sure my heart is right, like I'm trying to make myself worthy of participating. It's kind of stressful because what if I eat and drink and forget something. Am I eating and drinking condemnation? No, instead I'm putting myself too central in the Eucharist. It's a gift. A mysterious gift. For me, for the church. It's about God's grace and mercy to us. Not what we have done to deserve it. What He has done, and is doing and what He is planning to do.

15 March 2013

No sleep, must Sleep

So, I have not taken away the pacifier. Shocking, no? But getting that girl to nap in bed is driving me bonkers. Fortunately I have a video monitor and like the voice of God, can loudly clear my throat and watch a little girl run back to her pillow and pretend to sleep. I watch her freeze in her tracks when I walk near her door. That girl!!

In other news we returned to Andrew's hell, which goes by the name of Rainforest Cafe. The fear in his eyes is so real. This was his 3rd time going. He clutches to my chest like a cat over water, buries his face and plugs his ears. This time his way of coping involved falling asleep. I think his body shut down to block out the terror.

I'm reading a fantastic book called Evangelicals in the Canterbury Trail. It's about the draw to the liturgical church. I love seeing things in a new perspective. I think it's great to take a step back, look at what's "always been" take it apart, question it and figure it all out. I've been raised in a discourse that thinks only people who adhere to certain spiritual do's and don'ts go to heaven. That's pretty crazy, no? Everyone thinks their interpretation of the bible is the only one, and if you don't accept it then you're on the outs. Christianity is like a diamond, so many facets.
I like what the new pope said. He hopes there would be unity in the brotherhood. Can you imagine how awesome it would be if we (the church) actually came together as one just as Christ and God are one?

8 March 2013


The other day we were watching the news and they showed a volcano erupting. I directed Andrew's attention toward it. He asked where that was happening:
Me: Russia, the place the meteor hit
Andrew: why they both happen there?
Me: why do you think they both happened there?
Andrew: God sent a fireball to kill the bad people.

I resolve that we either have to read more New Testament or tone down old James Bond movies, or combination of both.

We are in the process of weening my daughter off the pacifier. And by we I mean me and by my daughter, I also mean me. It's so easy to just stick it into her mouth. Do you know what it does, it PACIFIES her.
In my mind I think if she is in a bed (not crib) this will help. So wish me luck because tomorrow she's moving out! I bet I'm going to feel great self efficacy when at 3 am and she falls out, bumping her head and wanting nothing but a mass produced rubber plug in between her lips. I will say, Amy, good on you for tackling two huge developmental issues at once. Why don't you just take her diapers off and toilet train too. And then I will roll eyes at logical 3am Amy and frantically search in the dark for the remaining pacifier and stick it in her mouth (toddlers, not mine), breathe a sigh of relief and recite my mantra, "you are a good mom, you are a good mom" and deal with issues tomorrow.