29 October 2021

The deleted tweets

 I'm not a climate expert by any means but if only some countries reduce emissions, and others don't, isn't that like having a peeing section in a pool? 

Its the epitome of ironic to ban The Handmaid's Tale.

Raise the damn flag.

The Pfizer sample group for vaxing 5-12 year olds had 2300 kids, 1500 receiving the vaccine. How can they say no adverse side affects when statistically 1/5000 get myocarditis?

I don't know who needs to hear this, but we are not on the brink of extinction.

Canadian do not greet by touching foreheads or noses, unless you're in caucus. 

Asking someone to do something is not volunteering. Then asking them to show vax status do it, but not ask them to attend Sexual Misconduct Policy Training or get a Vulnerable Sector Police Check shows what we value. 

I think the most damning statement we can tell our children is that they're perfect just the way they are. That's false. We need to work daily at becoming better people and work toward a greater good that helps our world. 

26 October 2021


I wanted to write as a cathartic method of getting thoughts out that haunt me. Haunt in the sense that they keep cycling in my brain, even through dreams. As of late, I have felt my core values of justice and theology have been called into question and I have had no language to communicate what lies beneath the tip of the iceberg of identity; of who I am. Foundations formed over years by being taught, experiencing life and learning are being summoned to the playing field in a discourse I have lost the articulation to be a player. I listen to and read a lot of people who have the skill to articulate what I have always thought but didn't know there was language to communicate; a secular liturgy of sorts. In trepidation, I search through my bag of coins to find the one that is worthy; is of value to present to Cesar.

What gave David the courage to take off Saul's armour? How did he become so secure in his identity that he knew the mechanics and constraints placed on him needed to be taken off and were taken off. The archetypical hero as illusive as holding a cloud. This doesn't fit me. I don't want it on me. I cannot be with this molded body upon my own. How did he zero in on his target, silencing the critics placing predetermined ideologies upon his sling. 

If you throw your voice into a valley and no echo returns, did you make a sound?