21 May 2013

Here fishy, fishy, fishy

I don't like knowing where my food comes from. Correction, the once alive but now dead food. I love farms but am now quite certain I do not like rivers/ponds. We went fishing yesterday and caught two trout. Imagine fishing in a stocked aquarium. That's the type of fishing we did. It's good for small kids whose attention span in fishing is comparable to a claw vending machine. So we caught them, high school dimwits cleaned them and I stare at it on my cooking sheet. We made our peace, I stuffed it with herbs and butter, wrapped it in foil and threw it on the BBQ. 
I think we undercooked it. it took everything in me to control my gag reflex. Reminds me of the time I had Vietnamese soup. Good news, I have another whole trout in the freezer. 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

This totally reminds me of the first and only time I bought fish in Egypt. They were alive and then they were gutted and then the bag kept twitching the whole way home. I made James prep them for dinner. Have never cooked fish again. I like eating it when someone else had to deal with the actual fishiness of the fish. At least the kids had fun!