12 March 2012

Spring break and casinos

No Internet today. All I had to do was reset the modem and frankly, I didn't do that because just saying the word reset makes me dream about rainbows and candy. Not interested. Instead we played in the backyard. I mean fresh air is good and all but nothing can replace a good TV show. I jest. A good tv show and salty snack.

March break impedes on my small radius of things to do. Food court at the mall was ridonculous. That's what the kids say these days, kids and realty tv judges.

So a new casino will be built in Toronto. So let me get this right. People make a fuss when taxes are raised to pay for stuff like roads, schools and hospitals but when a money pit of a casino where there is no return statistically on the money spent there is said to be getting built, no one fusses? Ok, just checking. Guess I'll keep hunting for a reliable family doctor while you try to get three cherries in a row.

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