8 March 2012

Preschools and "Teets"

Checking out a preschool today. I have no expectations other than preplanned fire escape route, recognition of all national holidays, heavy emphasis on remembrance day and flag day, and puzzles.

Afterwards we will hunt and gather at Walmart super centre but not before a starbucks drive thru visit. Short Americano with milk is my current beverage of choice. Tag along a kids chocolate milk and a petite vanilla scone. Petite is a word I really don't like saying, probably because of the "teet".

My baby is rolling around the floor eating macerated pieces of toast. When Andrew was this age, we sat at the table for breakfast, and I fed him with a spoon. I'm teaching Elsie to be resourceful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For some reason, I thought Canada banned Wal-mart. I learn all kinds of international type thingys from ya. Good to see ya found a new spot in the blogging world...that's how often I check the other site.

Ok. I have to sneeze now so I guess that's all I got.