9 September 2013

Waiting room ramblings

Here I am again, at Radiology and Imaging, sans children. They're monitoring the lumps in my breast. I'm just looking forward to the warm room and quietness. This waiting room is full of very sickly looking people. Could it kill people to smile? Not that I'm smiling at them but the whole glazed over faces makes me weap for humanity. 

All I keep thinking about is how much my hospital parking is going to cost. 

That, and what am I making for dinner and why don't grocery stores here carry a good Pico de Galo? Would it kill them not to blend the tomatoes in fresh salsa? We are having fajitas for dinner. It's meatless Monday so we're having beef and chicken. Not a typo. 

I'm deep into season 6 of X-files. I also had a bizarre dream about Andrew Coyne last night. No more. Watching At Issue so late at night. 

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