The amount of time I put into parties isn't proportional with the time enjoying them. However, I feel intrinsically gratified by what I accomplish. Andrew is having an angry birds Star Wars party. There is lots in angry birds, lots on Star Wars but nothing of the two. So I'm making it up. The craft prep took me about 3 hours. Next up, balloons that look like piggy storm troopers.
I participated in my first labyrinth prayer walk. I'm thoroughly enjoying "ritual" in my faith journey right now. The Anglican experience is exposing me to new things, which are actually very, very old. Yesterday I experienced the Eucharist in a new light. I watched as people held out their hands, waiting to receive the bread and wine. Like they were waiting, anticipating a wonderful and yet mysterious gift. I'm used to sitting in my seat, making sure my heart is right, like I'm trying to make myself worthy of participating. It's kind of stressful because what if I eat and drink and forget something. Am I eating and drinking condemnation? No, instead I'm putting myself too central in the Eucharist. It's a gift. A mysterious gift. For me, for the church. It's about God's grace and mercy to us. Not what we have done to deserve it. What He has done, and is doing and what He is planning to do.
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