29 March 2012

third birthday and nuts

Its andrew's 3rd birthday this weekend. This kid is smart and I don't say that because I'm his mom and its true, but I've been affirmed by it by others, even strangers. Pardon me for being one of THOSE moms but he serious "gets" stuff and rationalizes beyond what I think he should. My new favourite thing is watching him when he doesn't think I'm watching. I catch him trying to strangle his sister, or jumping back in bed after playing with toys during his nap and pretending he's sleeping. I'm having a little party with his friends tomorrow. We'll make bird feeders, using peanut butter so I'm assuming no one has a nut allergy. Nut allergy people are so annoying. I say that tongue in cheek, I mean, my best friend has a nut allergy*
*not true.

I'm reading this new mommy blog that is so absurd that I HAVE to read it so I can make myself feel normal. My guess is Alicia Silverstone got the bird feeding technique from her. She breastfed until 2 or 3 years old. Thats so nutty. She talks about happy energy and a french child that lives in her psyche. SERIOUSLY, don't you want to read it to? I love it.

Lets talk politics.
One, budgets are fantastic.
Two, unions are ridiculous leeches on the vein of the economy, unless I was  in one and getting awesome health benefits and limited work hours.
Three, Justin Trudeau makes me want to bang my head against the wall, repeatedly. Wish he'd take a page out of Ben Mulrony's book of, "don't become a politician, host Canadian idol and Live with Kelly instead".
Four, the penny is being phased out. Man, if I had a nickel every time the gov't has put that on the table, I'd have, well... four PENNIES.
Five, I miss Ralph Klein.

20 March 2012

chosing foolishly

I reread my blog from when Andrew was Elsie's current age. It was a rough time. He was in the middle of getting the horrible teeth. Molars and such. I wasn't sleeping, he was screaming in the stroller and refused to be put down. Compared to that, Elsie isn't too bad but I still feel completely drained. Emotionally and physically. I guess we all try to find some reason why we aren't feeling good. Maybe PMS, maybe lack of sleep, maybe the weather. Thats what I'm doing. Little things make me feel like I'm going to crack. My grandfather passed away last Wednesday. That was very difficult because it felt like a sack of .... well, something heavy, was added onto my already crippling shoulders.
We all have challenges but today I feel incapable of mentally taking charge of them. I'm fully feeding into my worries and fears. I mean, I have two choices. Worry or Trust God. Guess what I chose? and if you ask me how thats working out for me I'd answer, not so good.

18 March 2012

its not my party but I'll still scream

Today we went to a birthday party. It was about a 40 minute drive to get there, so you can imagine my horror when I went to pull Elsie out of the seat and realized she wasn't buckled in! My first thought was, PAUL!! oh... no wait. I'm the one that put her in the seat. Oh the guilt! I didn't say anything. She smelled awfully ripe though and as we walked toward the washroom, the smell was stronger than what is typical. When I laid her down, I saw she had exploded everywhere. So, with pants half on, and with sour liquid continuing to seep into my jacket since I'm holding her, we went to the clothing section of the grocery store and picked up a new outfit. I was very tempted to just chuck the old clothes (which my sister often did) but I like the little overalls, so I put them in a plastic bag.

The party was great. It was at Superstore so they kids made pizzas, decorated cupcakes and ate cake. Very cute. Andrew was thrilled with a whistle he got in the loot bag. My mistake though, as we were walking down the stairs from the upper room, I pointed out the lady making sushi. He stopped, was thrilled and then accidentally dropped the whistle down a crack in the stairs. You would have thought I was strangling him. No wait, you would have thought I was branding him with a hot iron. No wait, you would have thought I was yanking out his finger nails... Good Lord. I was dumbfounded because I have never seen him scream like that. Poor kid had a very red hand as I dragged him to the car because I had a death grip on him that only a mother can have. I was embarrassed and mad.  He's just so intense, all the time. He's either insanely excited or so mad that you think he's going to pop blood vessels. Passionate, he is.

12 March 2012

Spring break and casinos

No Internet today. All I had to do was reset the modem and frankly, I didn't do that because just saying the word reset makes me dream about rainbows and candy. Not interested. Instead we played in the backyard. I mean fresh air is good and all but nothing can replace a good TV show. I jest. A good tv show and salty snack.

March break impedes on my small radius of things to do. Food court at the mall was ridonculous. That's what the kids say these days, kids and realty tv judges.

So a new casino will be built in Toronto. So let me get this right. People make a fuss when taxes are raised to pay for stuff like roads, schools and hospitals but when a money pit of a casino where there is no return statistically on the money spent there is said to be getting built, no one fusses? Ok, just checking. Guess I'll keep hunting for a reliable family doctor while you try to get three cherries in a row.

9 March 2012

Radio show

My sister is trying to convince me to host a radio show with her. I can only imagine the banter we would have and a lot of dead air from us trying to catch our breath from laughing. We would probably make a good team. Must consider this.

Elsie hit the floor twice today from trying to walk. Must be hard. Her legs probably feel like a unicycle.

8 March 2012

Preschools and "Teets"

Checking out a preschool today. I have no expectations other than preplanned fire escape route, recognition of all national holidays, heavy emphasis on remembrance day and flag day, and puzzles.

Afterwards we will hunt and gather at Walmart super centre but not before a starbucks drive thru visit. Short Americano with milk is my current beverage of choice. Tag along a kids chocolate milk and a petite vanilla scone. Petite is a word I really don't like saying, probably because of the "teet".

My baby is rolling around the floor eating macerated pieces of toast. When Andrew was this age, we sat at the table for breakfast, and I fed him with a spoon. I'm teaching Elsie to be resourceful.

6 March 2012

Canned chicken

I read a blog about how to cut your kids hair. It involved masking tape and cutting straight. This lady also breast fed until her boy was 2 so I mean, we all have our psychosis. That being said, Andrew has had his fair share of straight across bangs ala dumb and dumber but Elsie lucked out because I finally learned you don't cut straight across. Her bangs now look like Sally field in the 80s or me in my gr1 picture.

I made dinner from a recipe on a can of cream of chicken. If we're going retro we might as well go all out. I suscinded to a three year olds wishes and knew the whole time I was setting myself up for future troubles by allowing him to eat on the couch watching wonder pets on netflix. Bah, sometimes it's what happens.

Haircut tomorrow folks. Will not be going short again because I looked like a boy or a lesbian. No offense to either but I have a couple blue flannel shirts and it didnt help the matter.

1 March 2012

Working against change

The minute you feel comfortable is the minute things change. I'm not good with change. It often evokes anxiety. I wish I could go with the flow but feel very panicked when I can't control what happens next.
I am scared of making the wrong decision. I'm afraid of working outside God's will.
I dig in my heels, stick my head in the sand and paralyze myself.